experience an extraordinary God in ordinary life

Daily devotionals, short stories and Bible studies are designed to encourage you and strengthen you in your walk with Jesus. Come on in, sit a spell and be encouraged.

To learn more about us and what we believe, check out the “About”page. We believe that the Bible is not simply some dusty, old, irrelevant book. It is the living, active, wholly inspired Word of God.

I write devotionals on a daily basis. Most of us are ordinary people, living ordinary lives.



 That is an excellent place to meet God. The Lord loves ordinary people … He must because He made so many of us. My devotionals are drawn from ordinary life and I hope illustrate the truths of Scripture. Scripture trumps my writing in every way, yet many people find it helpful in their faith walk.

I hope you enjoy what you find here. Please feel free to subscribe. https://mailchi.mp/f27bbeb09c22/gleanings-1

Hallelu Yah (praise God)

Soli Deo Gloria (for the glory of God alone.)


Issue 1686 – Weakness – March 1, 2025

God took something, in conditions totally unsuitable and stunted, and brought fruit from it.  If He can do that for a lowly stalk of wheat, imagine what He can do for His people.

Issue 1675 Toil February 19, 2025

No matter how much we strive and toil, we cannot earn our freedom in Christ. No amount of good works can ever atone for our sin.

Issue 1670 – Chuckling Ducks – February 12, 2025

It makes me think of how Christians ought to sound. Only believers have any true hope in this life or reasons for true, lasting joy. No matter what is happening around us, we always have a reason for joy.